Dacheng Advises Three Venture Capital Houses on Purchase of a P2P Platform

Recently, a Dacheng team led by Shanghai-based senior partner Liu Xinyu accepted the entrustment by three Chinese well-known venture capital houses to advise the purchase of a peer-to-peer platform (“P2P platform”) which is ranked in top three in the industry.

With the rapid development of the internet finance industry, P2P platform, as a significant element, also becomes the focus of venture capital houses’ attention. Since the concept of “internet plus” was brought forward by the central authority of China, major cities have introduced local supporting policies for internet finance. Meantime, with the growth of internet finance market, more and more P2P platforms will bring in venture capital for further development.

Compared with mergers and acquisitions, the difficulty for P2P platform purchases is the investigation and argumentation on compliance regarding P2P products. Liu and his team advised the subject project by providing full, accurate and professional due diligence, and negotiating with the adverse party of the project. Their professional, supreme and efficient legal service won praise from the client, and also accumulated invaluable experience for Dacheng on future projects of the same kind.