Dentons assists NOK (Wuxi) in receiving a low CVD rate in U.S. investigation of ITDCs

On April 4, 2016, U.S. Department of Commerce issued the preliminary CVD determination notice which decides provisional countervailing duty as follows against exporters of certain iron mechanical transfer drive components (ITDCs) from China: Dentons’ client – NOK (Wuxi) received a rate of 2.68%; in comparison, Powermach (Sichuan) was imposed a rate of 33.94%, all others respondent enterprises received 15.51% CVD rate, and the highest rate was 166.77%.

On November 17, 2015, U.S. DOC initiated a countervailing investigation against exporters with respect to ITDCs from the People’s Republic of China. A U.S. company – TB Wood’s Incorporated submitted the petition on behalf of domestic industry. NOK (Wuxi), one of the major ITDCs exporters to the U.S., engaged Mr. Cai Kaiming from lots of candidates to respond this investigation. As a mandatory respondent in the investigation, NOK (Wuxi) had to prepare and respond numerous and complicated questionnaires, which involves heavy workloads. Mr. Cai Kaiming and his team, cooperated with partners of Dentons Washington Office – Mark, Eugene, et al., sufficiently responded the DOC questionnaires and submitted powerful comments with substantial evidence materials. After 6 months hard work, Mr. Cai Kaiming assisted NOK (Wuxi) to receive a rate of 2.68% which was a very low rate for a China case in U.S. countervailing investigations.