Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP ("大成") is an independent law firm, and not a member or affiliate of Dentons. 大成 is a partnership law firm organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and is Dentons' Preferred Law Firm in China, with offices in more than 50 locations throughout China. Dentons Group (a Swiss Verein) ("Dentons") is a separate international law firm with members and affiliates in more than 160 locations around the world, including Hong Kong SAR, China. For more information, please see or

Head of Dentons Zhoushan Office Elected President of Zhoushan Lawyers Association at the 7th Lawyer's Congress of Zhoushan City

On April 13, the 7th Lawyer's Congress of Zhoushan City was held in Zhoushan New District. Dentons Zhoushan office senior partner and "National Outstanding Lawyer" winner Dong Jie was elected as the new President. Zhou Weijiang, Standing Committee Member of the CPC Zhoushan Municipal Committee ("CPC Zhoushan"), Standing Deputy Mayor, Member of New District Party and Labor Committee, and Deputy Director of the Management Committee attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zheng Jindu, President of Zhejiang Lawyers Association, addressed the meeting. Leaders from Zhoushan City People's Congress, Zhoushan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of CPC Zhoushan, Zhoushan Intermediate People's Court, Zhoushan Municipal Procuratorate, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau were invited to attend this meeting. More than 160 lawyers from the city were also present in this meeting.

The conference was hosted by the Zhoushan Lawyers Association ("the Association") and presided over by Zheng Huawei, Director of the Zhoushan Municipal Bureau of Justice.

In recent years, under the leadership of the CPC Zhoushan and the Municipal Government and the guidance of the Zhejiang Lawyers Association, the majority of lawyers in Zhoushan have closely followed the work of the Party and Municipal Government, performed their duties according to law, and positively contributed to the economic and social development of the city, the protection of legitimate rights of the people and the safeguarding of social justice. Up to now, there are 31 law firms in the city. 11 new law firms have been set up in the past five years, representing an increase of 55%. The city now has 261 registered lawyers, 52% more than in 2013. In recent years, the revenue gained by lawyers in this city have ranked top in the province. The city's legal services industry has shown a vigorous development trend.