Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP ("大成") is an independent law firm, and not a member or affiliate of Dentons. 大成 is a partnership law firm organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and is Dentons' Preferred Law Firm in China, with offices in more than 50 locations throughout China. Dentons Group (a Swiss Verein) ("Dentons") is a separate international law firm with members and affiliates in more than 160 locations around the world, including Hong Kong SAR, China. For more information, please see or

Dacheng Receives NAFMII Thank-you Note for Contributing Legislative Suggestions

On August 22, the secretariat of National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (“NAFMII”) sent Dacheng a thank-you note, in which NAFMII expressed heartfelt gratitude for the professional revision suggestions Dacheng has contributed for the exposure draft of Standard on the Underwriting of Debt Instruments by Non-financial Enterprises (hereafter referred to as “the Standard”).
The gratitude primarily went to Zhang Gang, senior partner of Dacheng’s banking and finance practice and a legal expert NAFMII has engaged. Having received the exposure draft of the Standard, Mr. Zhang organized seminars to discuss with his team the objectives of the Standard, definition of key terms, composition of underwriting services participants and their scope of work, as well as the draft’s wording and expressions. Detailed suggestions for revision was formulated and handed over to NAFMII, who would at a later time organize panel of experts to synthesize all suggestions contributed by association members and revise the draft accordingly.